
Seven Continents Video – Enjoy this video presentation reviewing the list of the seven continents along with facts, maps, and other interesting information.

Most Amazing Lakes Video

Explore the top ten most amazing lakes found on earth! From Croatia to Bolivia, to Australia, to the USA there are lakes that range from interesting all the way to just plain weird. Watch this video and see all the wonderment that mother nature has to offer.

Continents of the World Video

Visually explore the 7 continents on planet earth in this wonderfully produced video for all ages. The video is just over 3 minutes long but takes the curious from all ages through the continents that define our world.

Five Oceans Song
Enjoy this video which walks through the oceans of the world through an entertaining song. The song is a great way to remember and learn the oceans while finding enjoyment along the way. At just over a minute long it should satisfy even the most impatient of learners!

Desert Video
You can find desert areas in the most tropical, hot, and cold climates on planet earth. Watch this video and discover the natural processes that create the most harsh and incredible landscapes in the world!

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